Commander Spiritt, June 16, 2017 22:26 #
Gemeter R (lvl 7) destroyed by Spike after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Gizorro, June 16, 2017 22:26 #
Gemeter R (lvl 8) destroyed by Giga Blade after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander DragonShell of Les Cochons Volants, June 16, 2017 22:22 #
Astrolax 500mg (lvl 6) destroyed by Wasp after 0 hours of valliant service.
« zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz »
Commander Graannd of Les Cochons Volants, June 16, 2017 22:20 #
Gemeter R (lvl 5) destroyed by Giga Blade after 0 hours of valliant service.
« ssssssssssssss »
Commander Spiritt, June 16, 2017 22:17 #
Gemeter R (lvl 1) destroyed by Pickelhaube after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander gregoryw3, June 16, 2017 22:17 #
Gemeter R (lvl 9) destroyed by Spike Death Bullet after 1 hours of valliant service.
« wow »
Commander Spiritt, June 16, 2017 22:14 #
Gemeter R (lvl 4) destroyed by Hunter Debuff after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander vukk, June 16, 2017 22:14 #
Gemeter R (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 2 hours of valliant service.
« :( »
Commander demkomeister of HowlingHatchling, June 16, 2017 22:00 #
Gemeter R (lvl 8) destroyed by Pickelhaube Molotof after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander furyquest of Game Side Story, June 16, 2017 21:58 #
Gemeter R (lvl 2) destroyed by Drake after 0 hours of valliant service.
« rff »