Commander Ethinn of Les Scarabe Bouziers, June 16, 2017 23:33 #
Gemeter R (lvl 9) destroyed by Hunter after 2 hours of valliant service.
« ah ouais ça pique DI-REC! »
Commander Ashbringer, June 16, 2017 23:28 #
Gemeter R (lvl 10) destroyed by Spike after 1 hours of valliant service.
« To much greeeeeeeeed »
Commander Narrin of HowlingDragons, June 16, 2017 23:26 #
Gemeter R (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 1 hours of valliant service.
« Shiet »
Commander ewilenQQ of Karussel, June 16, 2017 23:21 #
Astrolax 500mg (lvl 6) destroyed by Spike after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander ApocalypsePork of Les Cochons Volants, June 16, 2017 23:18 #
Astrolax 500mg (lvl 5) destroyed by Drake after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Skorpiox, June 16, 2017 23:17 #
Astrolax 500mg (lvl 8) destroyed by Drake Debuff after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Altenalson of CCCP, June 16, 2017 23:17 #
Gemeter R (lvl 9) destroyed by Drake Debuff after 1 hours of valliant service.
« well ... »
Commander AmrasVII, June 16, 2017 23:16 #
Gemeter R (lvl 9) destroyed by Hunter after 1 hours of valliant service.
« J'ai beau être matinal... »
Commander Darkxell of Team branlouille, June 16, 2017 23:15 #
Gemeter R (lvl 7) destroyed by Lobstor after 1 hours of valliant service.
« Don't greed for dna :) »
Commander SKED of Dogesquad, June 16, 2017 23:05 #
Astrolax 500mg (lvl 2) destroyed by Miner after 0 hours of valliant service.