Commander KilGore, June 16, 2017 20:44 #
Gemeter R (lvl 5) destroyed by Giga Blade after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander wdaq of Game Side Story, June 16, 2017 20:43 #
Gemeter R (lvl 1) destroyed by Drake after 0 hours of valliant service.
« ah ah ah »
Commander Tche, June 16, 2017 20:38 #
Gemeter R (lvl 1) destroyed by Drake after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Biatriss, June 16, 2017 20:36 #
Gemeter R (lvl 1) destroyed by Miner after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander MLeJazz of MLeJazz Gang, June 16, 2017 20:36 #
Gemeter R (lvl 1) destroyed by Scout after 0 hours of valliant service.
« arg »
Commander gregoryw3, June 16, 2017 20:35 #
Gemeter R (lvl 2) destroyed by Mega Blade after 0 hours of valliant service.
« nooooooooooooooo »
Commander Elvanor, June 16, 2017 19:52 #
Gemeter R (lvl 3) destroyed by Mega Blade after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Elimarion of Bene Tleilax, June 16, 2017 19:46 #
Gemeter R (lvl 1) destroyed by Mega Blade after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Erhune of The Devs, June 16, 2017 18:30 #
Pressed the self-destruct button of Astrolax 500mg after 0 hours of valliant service.
« I was the first... »