Commander Ashragon of The Two, April 14, 2021 11:05 #
Gemeter R (lvl 5) destroyed by Miner after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander rei carro csmoney of Heil Brunao, April 10, 2021 16:02 #
Astrolax 1g (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 1 hours of valliant service.
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Commander KiLLeRRaBBiT, April 09, 2021 20:45 #
Astrolax 2g (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Kamikaze after 2 hours of valliant service.
Commander Gorthe, April 06, 2021 13:30 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander Gorthe, April 06, 2021 11:38 #
Gemeter R (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 4 hours of valliant service.
Commander BlackBlade, April 06, 2021 06:42 #
Gemeter R (lvl 4) destroyed by Drake after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander MrMoe of Bondage Kitty, April 05, 2021 17:34 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Debuff after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander MrMoe of Bondage Kitty, April 05, 2021 15:49 #
Astrolax 1g (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander MrMoe of Bondage Kitty, April 05, 2021 13:57 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander richter31 of Switch, April 04, 2021 14:10 #
Gemeter R (lvl 10) destroyed by Drake Debuff after 7 hours of valliant service.