Commander OVersoDoUniverso, August 10, 2020 01:45 #
Gemeter R (lvl 9) destroyed by Spike after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander Hayatengu of I was Here, August 09, 2020 04:25 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander BRAEN2014UKONER, August 04, 2020 17:19 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 9) destroyed by Hunter after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander BRAEN2014UKONER, August 04, 2020 16:14 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Miner Molotof after 6 hours of valliant service.
Commander Urotori, August 02, 2020 08:45 #
Gemeter SX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Kamikaze after 3 hours of valliant service.
Commander gurke1105 of coole group, August 01, 2020 20:47 #
Gemeter R (lvl 9) destroyed by Hunter Kamikaze after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander fmv, July 30, 2020 13:54 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 5 hours of valliant service.
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Commander Retlok, July 29, 2020 20:10 #
Astrolax 500mg (lvl 1) destroyed by Gunz Debuff after 0 hours of valliant service.
Commander Retlok, July 29, 2020 20:09 #
Pressed the self-destruct button of Gemeter SX after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander Retlok, July 29, 2020 11:24 #
Gemeter R (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 0 hours of valliant service.
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