COMMANDER archen4cl OF eN4
Imperial medals
#7 Grinder of Septo Vaporis
#2 Gang of Septo Vaporis
#8 Gang of Octo Vaporis Galaxy
#4 Grinder of Sisyphus Minor
#9 Skill of Sisyphus Minor
#2 Gang of Sisyphus Minor
Latest R.I.P.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Kamikaze after 4 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Ultra Blade after 3 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Drake Debuff after 20 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Drake Debuff after 16 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Drake Minuteur after 7 hours of valliant service.